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    TURKEY - 71 MIN, 2023



    • ABOUT

      When everyone goes home and all the lights go out, another face emerges behind the entertaining facade of the amusement park: the workers. Tuncay, Dursun, Nebil, Okan, and Oğuz form a diverse team with different backgrounds, have been working at the Fairground Amusement Park for many years. This team, responsible for maintaining the park, not only ensures the enjoyment of visitors but also forms a warm bond of friendship among themselves. However, their jobs are endangered with the cancellation of the park's contract and the arrival of the pandemic. Almost everyone is laid off, and the once lively amusement park falls silent. The challenges in their lives await to be seen behind these magnificent iron structures. While the local authorities' bureaucratic pressure for eviction and the impact of the pandemic push the closure of the amusement park towards a physical transformation, they add new worries to the workers. However, this time, colorful lights illuminate different realities around them for the creators of amusement. Does everything return to normal for the workers who no longer share the same environment? Or does life, whether human or nature, always find its way despite encountering massive obstacles?




      Graduated from the Film Design Department at Yaşar University. Throughout his education, he directed various short films and contributed to several film projects. He is a skilled drone operator with a rich portfolio encompassing commercials, music videos, TV series, and cinema films. "The Ferris Wheel" stands as his debut feature documentary film. Also in the director's portfolio some short docs: “Çay Kapuçino Muhallebi” (2019), “Atlar Eşekler” (2018), “Son Ütücü” (2017), “Bukle” (2016), “Anne” (2016), etc.


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